Captain Henry Morgan was a unique man even amongst his pirate brethren, being both Pirate Captain and rising to the station of Vice Admiral of the Royal Navy and Governor of Jamaica. Only a truly unique hat would do to pay homage to such a man. This design is another Captain Jack exclusive designed by Jeff MacKay in 2003. This tricorn features a flattened upside down triangular front.
A Captain Jack's Exclusive Acrylic Treatment. This offers moderate weatherproofing and gives the hat a dull matte finish, great for a weathered look. Rigid and a scarf or bandana should be worn for comfort.
Note: Accessories shown in the photo are not included in the hat price. To add accessories please purchase each accessory in our store and add to your shopping cart, including upgrading to oil wax and or cashmere. Additionally, the hat can be made in a 25" this will increase the price by $75. To purchase a 25" Hat please message us and a pyapal invoice will be sent to you.
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