This is a broad-brimmed pirate hat with a dashingly up-turned front brim. It's big and bold like the Scottish sea captain William Kidd from New York, who was employed by the English crown as a privateer. Wool felt available in an oil/wax treatment, as well as untreated or acrylic-treated. Kidd and his crew of cutthroats were commissioned to capture all French ships and the Pirates of Madagascar. After near-mutiny from his crew along the way, and having to kill his chief gunner in hand-to-hand combat, William Kidd turned pirate and plundered any ship along India's coast. Their biggest score was the Quedagh Merchant, a treasure ship of 400 tons. Returning home to New York with a ship filled to the gunwales with swag, Kidd tried, but could not fool the authorities that a large part of his treasure rightfully belonged to the powerful British East Indian Trade Co. He was clapped into irons and returned to England for trial and execution.
Captain Jack's Straw Pirate Hats be made off 100% American Yellow Straw. They have a nice golden tone, are light weight and great for Warm Climates like the Caribbean.
Sea Grass - Captain Jack’s Natural Seagrass hats be made of 100% Natural Seagrass. They have a mottled tan/ green color and a more open weave when compared to the straw. They are light and airy and great for the Tropics.
Note: Additional accessories shown in the photos are not included in the hat price. To add accessories please purchase each accessory in our store and add to your shopping cart. Additionally, the hat can be made in a 25" this will increase the price by $75. To purchase a 25" Hat please message us and a pyapal invoice will be sent to you. Straw and Seagrass hats should not be oilwaxed.
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